Covid-19…Corona Virus…Quarantine…

As we move into this “temporary” normal I thought about how we are filling our days. Your household may be empty nesters, may be filled with kids of all ages and needs, possibly a young couple trying to figure out how to “work” virtually in the small confines of one room or somewhere in-between. It was this image that had me thinking about the importance, NOW, to take time to write a letter to all of our loved ones.

If you do nothing else in the planning process but what is written in Chapter 6, Letters That Never Post, then you have taken a huge step in setting up your legacy. So, since this is so important to me that I decided that I should share the actual “how-to” do it. Soooo, I created an audio/visual for your personal use. This chapter is NOT about lawyers and legal documents. It is about real people doing simple things to preserve their legacy for and with those they love.

If you want to proactively provide your thoughts, dreams and desire to those you love, listen to Chapter 6, attached below. The chapter title, Letters That Never Post. It will provide you with key phrases, thought provoking ideas to include as well as the steps to seamlessly complete your own letters that never post. In just a few minutes you will have the keys to living on through eternity.

Stay well, stay safe, stay quarantined!



