Before I talk about THE BOOK, let’a take a trip back in time. From a historical perspective, if you go back to Ancient Egypt, you will find that they believed, the Book of the Dead, was critical to their death. It apparently started as a series of written spells they believed would help them in their afterlife. It wasn’t one giant book but rather a selection of individual chapters. These chapters were written on papyrus sheets or even on the walls of the tomb to be sure everyone, living, as well as the gods, were clear on the expectations they had after their passing.

Now, I never asked my mom if she modeled her book after the Book of the Dead…I thought I would have more time for that question. But, I believe that THE BOOK she created, has some eerily similar elements. THE BOOK is my mom’s vision of a modernized definition of her expectations, her wishes, and how she wanted to be remembered after her passing.

I know, I know…a very liberal translation on where she got THE BOOK ideas and name, but I’m sticking with it. 🙂 She created one giant book with a collection of individual chapters based on the logical order of decisions and actions that should seamlessly take place. Sound familiar?

Phase 1, known as the Shock Zone. This occurs from the minute someone passes, up to the next 72 hours when immediate action is expected to take place, and a time when those left behind have the least ability to make those decisions. Complete Phase 1 and then leave it in the hands of the professionals. Done!

Phase 2 includes your legal options, assets and your digital life, yes, social media doesn’t stop when you do.

Finally, Phase 3 deals with your digital “stuff” and those secret hiding places and how those secret treasures should be shared.


So…to borrow a final thought from our ancient Egyptian friends, THE BOOK….your book, is created by you to be sure everyone, ‘living as well as the gods,’ are clear on your expectations after your passing.

Enjoy the journey.