Frequently Asked Questions
Welcome to information land 🙂 If you have a question about something written in Plan Organize R.I.P., you’re in the right place.
If there is something not addressed, just email and we will add in the details.
Q. How long will it take for me to complete "The Book?" -Tim S.

Are you only going to complete the password page and letters to your loved ones? If so, that is probably a few hours commitment, assuming you know all your passwords and know what you want to say in your letters.
If you are going to include assets, funeral preferences and there are multiple personal items you want to be distributed then plan on a few weeks, at a minimum.
Q. Can I store "The Book" online? -Kim J.

Our recommended format is to use the computer for composing, updating and saving a back up file for that one person who will have access to your things but keep your original on a shelf, in a drawer or locked in a vault having printed and saved it the old fashion hard copy way, in a binder with tabs and key phone numbers easily available so your loved ones can be contacted quickly and seamlessly.
We have often been asked why not keep everything on the computer? You can and should have a backup copy of everything that you decided. You will probably want to update it every year so, and the computer is a good place to complete and update your work. However, after you are gone the computer will be an albatross to those that don’t know your filing system, your passwords or heaven forbid they shut off your internet, in the interest of efficiency, before realizing that everything needed is no longer assessable.
Another recommendation we received was to put everything on a thumb drive and either give it to your lawyer, executor or trusted friend to have that second copy. Keep in mind that the person you selected will need to be one of the first people contacted once you pass away.
Q. Should I make a video as well? I think writing stuff down is old fashioned.
A video is a great idea too!
There is no one “right” way to capture your thoughts and desires. With Smartphones readily available, you don’t even need special equipment, so record away!
Don’t forget to tell the date it was recorded and put it somewhere where it can be found.
Q. Is the Book a legal document? Do people have to do what I tell them to do?

This book was designed to help you create an action plan to identify the actions and things you want to be distributed specifically to your wishes. If you want it “guaranteed” then putting the specifics in a will is the only way to ensure that the action you request is followed.
Q. I know what I want to tell my family and friends about my wishes but I don't know how to express my thoughts. Where can I go for help? -Addie L.

We do have services to compose those letters for you, see the Services tab for more details.
Q: Where can I leave a testimonial about this great book?

A. We would love to hear from you and know the experiences you have had from reading “THE BOOK.” Email: your thoughts and comments. We’ll be sure to publish it on the website.
Q. What happens to my dog when I die? - Riley L.

Q. I am only 22. Why should I have a book yet?

A. No one knows in advance if they are going to live to 100 or only to 22. Since this is the great unknown, the best step is to let those left behind your thoughts on what you would like done with your “stuff.” Do you have something that an old girlfriend might want? How about your pokemon collection? This might be junk to one person and a valuable treasure to another.